Sex Offenders: What Every MDT/CJC Team Member Should Know (Part 2 of 2)
Sex crime investigators, prosecutors, judges, probation officers, medical staff, child welfare workers and child/victim advocates should be familiar the various theories about the etiology of pedophilia and development of pro-offending attitudes, plus the more typical patterns of sexual offending (rape, sexual assault & computer crimes against children) committed by juvenile and adult sex offenders. This presentation will highlight (via video taped interviews with various sex offenders) some of the more common pathways to developing deviant sexual interests and criminal sexual behavior. In addition, the presenter will review various studies that examined the number of detected vs. undetected offenders and sexual crimes occurring in our communities, the true rate of false allegations and the average degree of “cross-over” or “crime switching” behavior sex offenders engage in. The misconceptions about “re-offense” and “recidivism” rates and the expected outcomes for sex offender treatment will also be addressed.